Avery staff will attend the ARLIS/NA annual conference in Toronto, Mar. 29- Apr. 2, 2012.
Carole Ann Fabian, Avery Director, is the Conference Co-Chair for Programs and will also present an update on the Built Works Registry (BWR) — a collaborative Avery, ARTstor and Getty project. Now in its second year of development, the BWR project is funded by an IMLS National Leadership Grant. She is also the Co-moderator of the Future of Art Bibliography Initiative session at which Chris Sala, Avery Architecture Bibliographer, will be speaking on "Capturing the Web."
Ted Goodman will present an update on the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals at a Friday afternoon session. He is also the outgoing Chair of the Finance Committee.
Kitty Chibnik will be the Moderator of a session titled "Hot off the List: current issues on ARLIS-L."
Paula Gabbard, Avery Fine Arts Bibliographer will be attending many sessions and meetings.