Avery Classics New Acquisitions 2017-2018 exhibition

New Acquisitions 2017-2018 Curator: Teresa Harris June 4 – September 28, 2018 Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Avery Classics Reading Room, Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library A selection of new acquisitions from the past academic year is currently on display in Avery Classics. Materials range from Soviet photo journals to a hand-drawn copy of […]

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Art in Life Exhibition: Art Properties & the MA in Art History Program

Currently on view in Avery Library’s Wallach Study Center for Art & Architecture is an exhibition entitled Art in Life: Engravings by Robert Nanteuil (c. 1623-1678) from the Frederick Paul Keppel Collection at Columbia University. This exhibition is the result of a new curricular collaboration between Art Properties and the Department of Art History and […]

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PANORAMAS Curator: Teresa Harris December 18, 2017 – April 4, 2018 Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Avery Classics Reading Room, Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library Panorama is derived from the Greek words meaning ‘all’ and ‘view.’ For centuries, popular entertainment has utilized panoramic composition to transport viewers to far-away places like Athens or Versailles or […]

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Avery Classics Viewbooks exhibit online

Avery Classics is pleased to announce its newest online exhibit, Viewbooks : Window into America. Drawing on last year’s reading room display, Viewbooks : Window into America features a selection of 50 viewbooks from Avery’s extensive  holdings — more than 4,000 titles representing hundreds of American cities and towns. This online exhibit approaches the viewbook genre from two directions […]

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Dealer’s Choice: The Samuel Kootz Gallery 1945-1966

Art Properties has loaned a painting to the exhibition Dealer’s Choice: The Samuel Kootz Gallery 1945-1966, now open at the Fralin Museum of Art, University of Virginia in Charlottesville. This exhibition focuses on gallery owner Samuel Kootz (1898-1982), who was instrumental in showcasing some of the biggest names in mid-century European and American modernism, including the […]

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Frank Lloyd Wright at 150: Unpacking the Archive

Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library and MoMA are pleased to announce the opening of a co-presented exhibition, Frank Lloyd Wright at 150: Unpacking the Archive, June 12 – October 1, 2017 at the Museum of Modern Art. Drawing on the expansive Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Archive, jointly acquired by Avery and MoMA in 2012, […]

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Avery Art Properties at Florine Stettheimer: Painting Poetry

Columbia University is the major lender to the current exhibition Florine Stettheimer: Painting Poetry, which is now open at The Jewish Museum in New York City (May 5-September 24, 2017), and then travels to the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, Canada (October 21, 2017-January 28, 2018). Columbia is the largest repository for the art […]

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WET PAINT!! The North American paint & varnish industry, as it expanded, left us with an amazing assortment of colorful vintage objects—cans, sample sets, store displays and advertising signs. Avery Library in collaboration with private lenders, is pleased to present WET PAINT!! The exhibit displays items dating from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century and […]

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Color Harmony in the Home: American Paint Publications from 1870-1950

Color Harmony in the Home: American Paint Publications from 1870-1950 Guest curator: Judy Jacob January 17 – April 25, 2017 Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm Avery Classics Reading Room, Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library Paint is practical. Paint is beautiful. Paint hides flaws. Paint reflects taste and status. The brochures and samples presented in this exhibition […]

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