My last day at the Burke

So, I guess this is goodbye. So much has changed since I first arrived here! On tree branches, snow has been replaced by flowers.  Seeing the city blooming is pretty amazing. I would also like to think that my English has improved, though that may be wishful thinking! I am not sure I have fully mastered the NYC subway system, but I have definitely gotten better at finding my way around it.

In the past month, I’ve been working with Brigette on finding aids from the WAB and MRL collections. This was a great way to go hands-on, whether with archival material or XML language. I also got the opportunity to see more of Columbia University Libraries as a whole. I attended workshops on themes from Wikipedia in libraries to writing for Chemists. I also learned a lot about the hiring process of librarians in the USA, which is very different from the French system.

I really enjoy working with archive material, and I hope I will be able to see more of it, whether as a researcher in training or as a librarian. It is pretty thrilling to work with unique documents; I also like figuring out a collection or a group, how it articulates both as a whole and with other collections.  It is pretty satisfying to organize them to make them available to a larger public. The Burke collections are very interesting: while they are pretty specialized, they approach a broad range of themes and places. During those three months, I got to experience several aspects of an archivist’s work, and I learned a lot about Columbia and Union as institutions. I am very grateful to the Burke Library staff for giving me this opportunity!

One thought on “My last day at the Burke

  1. Bonjour,
    J’ai créé un blog relatif aux queffelec (familles, histoire, géographie, arts, écrivains, peintres etc…).
    Ce blog se dénomme queffelec a-drak (en vrac en français).
    Ce message pour rentrer en contact soit avec vous même ou quelqu’un de votre famille si vous êtes intéressée de raconter dans un article votre expérience et/ou un peu de votre famille ou une personne en particulier.
    Yves Queffelec

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