New resources: Brill’s Jacoby and the SEG

The Libraries have added two new items to our collection of resources for Classics and Ancient History: Brill’s New Jacoby Online and the Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. Brill’s New Jacoby Online is a new edition of the 856 fragmentary histories that comprise F. Jacoby’s monumental Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker Parts I-III, but with significant additions.  […]

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What’s new in CLIO? Location Limits

Looking for DVDs you can borrow?  Limit your title and keyword searches to Location: Butler Media (Circulating). Looking for books that are available at 2am? Limit your title and keyword searches to Location: Milstein (24 hr) Each time you add a location to a search, CLIO will look for items in either location.  Physical volumes always […]

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