Scanning Services in Butler and other Campus Libraries

Scanning services are available in many libraries. Scanners are all free of charge. Scanners that require no login are available for visitors to use.   

Scanner Locations & Numbers

Location No Login Required UNI Login Required
 Avery Library  2  8
 Burke Library  1  0
 Business & Economics Library  0  3
 Butler Library:
     3rd Floor Circulation Lobby  1  0
     Room 304  1  0
     Room 305 (Digital Humanities Center)  0  13
     Room 401 (Periodicals & Microform Reading Room)  2  0
 Geology Library  0  1
 Lehman Library  0  5
 Music Library  0  1
 Science & Engineering Library  0  9


Additional scanners (no login required) will be added in the following locations in early 2016:
Avery Library
Burke Library
Business & Economics Library
Butler Library
Geology Library
Lehman Library
Math Library
Music Library
Social Work Library
Science & Engineering Library
Starr East Asian Library