Search tips
CLIO allows you to combine keywords with other elements (listed on the left) to explore our resources in a variety of ways.
Use the drop-down menu to search keywords in All Fields, Author, Title, or Subject
Put exact phrases in quotes: “computer aided design”
Use an asterisk (*) to get all possible endings to a word: polio* finds polio, poliomyelitis, poliovirus
Type OR (in caps) to search for either of two or more terms: CAD OR “computer aided design”
Use “OR”, “AND” or “NOT” (must be ALL CAPS) and parentheses to create complex Boolean searches:
foner AND (reconstruction OR “civil war”)
foner AND (reconstruction OR “civil war”)
Refine your search using categories. Once selected, these will remain in place until they are removed:
- Format
- Author
- Publication Date
- Library Location
- Language
- Subject – to find items about a topic
- Subject (Era) – to find items about a time period
- Subject (Region) – to find items about a place
- Subject (Genre) – to find items by type, e.g. correspondence, personal narratives, fiction
- Call Number – to see items organized by main call number headings
- Acquisitions Date
To create an RSS feed of new items, construct your search, limit to the past 2 years, sort the list by acquisitions date, and subscribe to the RSS feed. You will receive updates as new titles are received.
To save space, icons are used in the catalog results list to quickly indicate availability. Full holdings information and links to request items are found in the record. Click the title to see the full information.