Nakba Day Anniversary, 2024: Archives, Libraries, Memory and Narrative

“The power to narrate, or to block other narratives from forming and emerging, is very important to culture and imperialism, and constitutes one of the main connections between them.” Edward Said: Culture and Imperialism “There is no political power without control of the archive, if not of memory.” Jacques Derrida, Archive Fever “One of the […]

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Democracy in India

Columbia University Libraries is pleased to announce the launch of a new component of the: “New and Featured Books” in the Butler Library Lounge, Room 214. This display will include a set of circulating items from our collections that are curated around a topic of international relevance. Display themes rotate every semester, and feature books […]

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Ambdekar Digital Bookmobile Project

This week is the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Fittingly, Columbia University and Barnard College recently hosted (from Nov. 27th through Dec. 8th, 2023) the Ambedkar Digital Bookmobile project designed by Smita Rajmane and Somnath Waghmare. This project documents and collects material relating to singers of anti-caste songs from rural regions in […]

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Checklist of LGBTQ+ Resources From Eastern Europe

Thanks to a grant from the Columbia Libraries’ ADEI Program, colleagues at Columbia, Cornell, NYPL, Harvard and Princeton have compiled a 1,066-entry indexed checklist of print and electronic holdings pertaining to LBTQ+ communities in Eastern Europe. The checklist is freely-accessible via Columbia’s Academic Commons at the following link: Or via QR: Discussions are underway […]

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Literary Afro Futures

  Columbia University Libraries is pleased to announce the launch of a new component of the: “New and Featured Books” in the Butler Library Lounge, Room 214. This display will now include a set of circulating items from our collections that are curated around a topic of international relevance. Display themes rotate every semester, and feature […]

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Babri Masjid Afterlives on Human Rights Day

Coinciding with Human Rights Day 2022, a two day virtual conference took place December 9-10, 2022 on the topic “Afterlives of Babri Masjid: Thirty Years Later. For contextual background on the Babri Masjid, see in the library catalog subjects: “Babari Masjid (Faizabad, India)“ and “Communalism India Faizabad.”  For representative publications of the conference speakers, see: -Ahmad, Irfan, […]

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Exhibit on Islamic Science on Display at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library: October 18th, 2022-March 3rd, 2023

“Science, Nature and Beauty: Harmony and Cosmological Perspectives in Islamic Science” is an exhibit which showcases over 90 manuscripts, instruments and objects focused on the Islamic sciences broadly conceived, many of which have never been on display before since they entered our collections in the Rare Book and Manuscript Library at the Columbia University Libraries, […]

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Hopes and Dreams of “Modern Africa”, 1960-1965: Selected Photographs from The Marc & Evelyne Bernheim Collection

A new exhibition is currently on view in Knox Hall, 2nd Floor Hallway, 606 West 122nd Street, New York. Open to Columbia affiliates only. Curated by Dr. Yuusuf Caruso, African Studies Librarian, Columbia University, and co-sponsored by The Institute of African Studies and Columbia University Libraries. This exhibition is just a very small sample from […]

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