Cinco de Mayo Facts for Features

Did you know:

  • $31.8 million = the number of U.S. residents of Mexican origin, according to the 2010 Census. These residents accounted for about three-quarters (63 percent) of the 50.5 million Hispanics and increased 54 percent, growing from 20.6 million in 2000 to 31.8 million in 2010. (The Hispanic Population: 2010 <>)
  • $39,264 = median family income in 2010 for households with a householder of Mexican origin. For the population as a whole, the corresponding amount was $60,609. (2010 American Community Survey <> table S0201)
  • $48.9 million = product shipment value of frozen enchiladas produced in the United States in 2002. Frozen tortilla shipments were valued even higher at $156 million.  (2002 Economic Census <>)

In honor of Cinco de Mayo, check out these and other interesting statistics from Facts for Features & Special Editions from the U.S. Census for your seasonal research needs.