Government Information 101: Part 2, Gov Resources

In the previous post, I discussed the basics of U.S. government (its levels, branches, and how to approach finding government information). Now I'll list some of the best places to find government information, both by government branch and with a list of popular documents. First, here are a few places to start a search for […]

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Government Information 101: Part 1, U.S. Gov Basics

New to the U.S., or just need to brush-up on some government basics? Here's a quick run-down of U.S. government at various levels and how to find government information. (I'll be writing two follow-up posts that tell where to find primary source information for each branch of government, and show an example of a gov […]

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CRS Reports on Journalists’ Privilege

Looking for Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports on Journalists’ Privilege?  CRS Reports examine Supreme Court and other court decisions and legislative proposals related to journalists’ privilege and rights to refuse to disclose information on sources in news gathering.  Try these 2 sources:  Open CRS –  (freely accessible to public; note:  reports do not become […]

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How to…Get the AP Day Schedule

If you want to pull up the New York daily schedule from the Associated Press, and are not in a Journalism School computer lab with access to the ENPS system, just connect to Factiva) (access restricted to current Columbia affiliates).  Once connected, in the “Free Text” box at the top, type: nyc daybook exactly as […]

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