The Libraries’ 2009 Online Survey begins on Monday, 2/16, and will run through Friday, 2/27. Watch for an email in your inbox on Monday, which will go out to all Morningside full-time students, faculty, and staff, and will include a link to the online survey.
This is a great opportunity to let the Libraries know how your experience of the Libraries is – what works, what doesn’t work, and any ideas you might have for changes in library services. We hope, in particular, that patrons who use the Music & Arts Library will respond, and will use the open comments area of the survey to share any opinions, ideas, or concerns specific to the Music & Arts Library. Please note that survey responses are 100% anonymous – any identifying personal information is stripped from your responses, and will not be visible by any Columbia University staff.
Added incentive – after completing the survey (about 10 minutes to complete), you’ll have the option of entering your name in a drawing to win a flat-screen TV, or one of ten $25 gift cards. C’mon, you know you’re feeling lucky!
Remember, watch for a link in your email on Monday, 2/16, when the survey goes live!