About the Music & Arts Library

The Gabe M. Wiener Music & Arts Library‘s onsite collection totals over 60,000 printed items, including monographs and serials on western and non-western music, as well as music scores; 20,000 sound and video recordings in multiple formats; CD-ROM indexes and multi-media titles; and several hundred microforms of scholarly interest.

Particular strengths include early printed works on music theory, scholarly score editions, and vocal scores of 18th- and 19th-century operas. Also collected are scores and recordings by over 350 contemporary composers.

The Library provides access to digital audio selections for course reserves use. For the graduate program in the Film Division of the School of the Arts, the Library maintains a collection of feature films on laser disc.

The remainder of the Library’s collections are in the CUL’s several off-site locations, and include materials in all formats.

One thought on “About the Music & Arts Library

  1. I thought I located a Duke Ellington(why don’t you recognize the name?!) score in the archives. It was labeled: LA-MET volume R MT Heading “The Lady of the Lavender Mist”. I’m sorry I do not understand this system. Also, my password and UNI is not recognized anymore. Please help.

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