President’s House Books for Welcomed Guests

We recently processed a small collection of guest books from the President’s House during Nicholas Murray Butler’s administration. These books show the range of events and dinner guests that the University President hosted over 30 years. But the books only record those invited guests and not the students, in particular student protesters, who received a […]

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A Digital Treasure Trove!

A year ago, as we began working remotely with no access to our physical materials, we found ourselves relying very heavily on previously digitized publications and images to help answer reference requests. One of the best tools we found was Emergency Temporary Access Service (ETAS) from HathiTrust. This temporary service (still in effect as of […]

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Beer at John Jay Hall

On March 22, 1933, not even three weeks after President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Law 1907) took the oath of office, he signed the Cullen-Harrison Act, authorizing the sale of low-alcohol beer and wine. This was the first step on the path to ending Prohibition. And Columbia College students rejoiced! […]

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