Thomas Carlyle’s photograph album

Among the many rich sources of visual material in RBML are Thomas Carlyle’s photograph albums. The seven albums in RBML’s collection are typical of the 19th century and include primarily carte-de-visite, or photographic calling cards, that were popular at the time. These cards were used by individuals similarly to contemporary business cards, but cards with […]

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Well, it’s not coffee . . .

OK, so the Parisian intellectuals drank coffee; what was a poor English couple in the 1500s to choose? Beer, obviously. Word problem here; the booklet consists entirely of word problems. It’s a wonderful little object, only measuring about four inches wide and not quite three inches tall. It turns out that the souse is the […]

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So new we don’t even have a picture

I left last Thursday afternoon for Philadelphia to attend “The Hybrid Book: Intersection and Intermedia,” a book fair and conference about “the book as a hybrid art form and book arts as multi-disciplinary.” It was pretty intense; particularly, for me, two dense afternoons working through over seventy tables of artist’s books. In many ways, this […]

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