First Commencement

The current exhibition of King’s College Diplomas in RBML’s Chang Octagon features reproductions of diplomas awarded by what we now know as Columbia from 1763 to 1773.  King’s College’s first President Samuel Johnson did not award diplomas at Commencement. His ceremonies included a more intimate ritual between the President, the graduate, and Johnson’s own Hebrew […]

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“In Matters of Religion”

In honor of Columbia’s 20th University President Minouche Shafik, there is a small exhibition in the Rare Book and Manuscript Library’s Chang Octagon on the traditions related to the installation ceremony. The “Charter and Keys” exhibition highlights the two symbols in the transfer of power: incoming presidents receive a copy of the 1754 Charter of […]

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Installation Sights and Sounds

As the Columbia community prepares for the installation of President Minouche Shafik on Wednesday, October 4, we can look back to see and hear her predecessors’ ceremonies. The Columbia University Libraries’ Time-Based Media Initiative focused on converting to digital those at-risk, unique audio and moving image content on analog media. From the Columbia University historical […]

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In Between Inaugurations

It’s been 21 years since President Lee C. Bollinger was installed as Columbia University’s President in October 2002. In anticipation of the inauguration of Columbia’s 20th University President, Minouche Shafik, on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, we look back to when the Columbia community waited an even longer time in between these community celebrations.  […]

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