Welcome to the Libraries!

Columbia University Libraries welcomes undergraduates in Columbia College, School of Engineering and Applied Science, and General Studies!

As part of our welcome, you have three chances to win an iPad! Enter our Online Library Contest at bit.ly/LibrariesContest2012. Attend our Butler Library Welcome Events on Wed. 8/29 from 10-11am and on Fri. 8/31 from 11am-12pm for refreshments and information on getting the most out of the libraries.

Meet the library experts who can make your life at Columbia easier! We will take the mystery out of using our vast collections of books and online resources. Enjoy some refreshments while you download our library mobile app, learn how to get help with your research, and find out how to check out books, films and graphic novels.

We hope to see you there! (Contest entries must be received by midnight Friday 8/31/12) . Please visit our Undergraduate Services and Engineering Personal Librarian web pages.