R Open Lab Fall 2018 – R Shiny

If you still haven’t got any idea of how amazing and powerful R can be, here is the time. In this open lab, I introduce my favourite part of R —- R shiny, which is a package to bulid interactive web app for data visualization, dashboard, map interaction and so on. I start from showing several fancy example from shiny official gallery, then ui.R and server.R are introduced separately and also how they connect. The example of control widgets of input and output are given and practiced by attendee. The topic of leaflet —- a package to build map in R are discussed. At the end of the lab, all attendee can build one simple app on Shiny which really satisfy them.
Here is the link to our open lab’s GitHub repository: https://github.com/wbh0912/R-Open-Lab-Fall-2018
If you have further questions regarding topics covered in the material, please feel free to drop in during consultation hours or leave a comment.