Python Open Lab, September 28

This week is the first week of Python Open Lab in fall 2018. We talked about fundamental concepts about Python and basic types and operations in Python. We first looked at the basic concept of programming languages and introduced python and its usage. The installation of Python for windows users were included so students can […]

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Spring 2018 R Open Lab: Advanced Visualization

Apr 18 Today we will explore the advanced data visualization in R. First, we will review the basic graphic functions in R and learn how to use additional parameters to achieve different goals. Then, we will introduce the powerful package ggplot2. Here are the codes: # Quick review of basic visualization library(ggplot2) plot(diamonds$carat, diamonds$price, main […]

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Python Open Lab: Week 7

Due to the complex nature of functions, on April 1, we started with a review of functions with the following problem: We then introduced classes and methods: Classes: Python is an “object-oriented programming language.” This means that almost all the code is implemented using a special construct called classes. Programmers use classes to keep related things […]

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