Starr Library stacks re-opened

I am very happy to inform you that the book stacks at C.V. Starr East Asian Library are now officially open to all library patrons and staff .

Following the flooding that occurred in the stacks in September 2018, over 52,000 damaged volumes were immediately removed for treatment. We are extremely pleased to report that no books were permanently damaged in this process, and all books have now been placed back in their original locations.

I would like to thank the staff in the Starr East Asian Library and our colleagues across Columbia University Libraries and University Facilities for their extraordinary joint efforts to rescue these books, to repair and thoroughly clean stacks spaces, and for maintaining library and collection services to our users. We would also like to thank all faculty and students for your patience, understanding, and support during this period.

Now I would like to cordially welcome you back to use our library and our collections!


Jim Cheng

Director, C.V. Starr East Asian Library

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