New exhibitions in Starr

We currently have selections from two donated collections on exhibit in our library.  One collection was received relatively recently, and is on display for the very first time.  The other collection was received longer ago, and was on display once before.  We hope you will enjoy viewing them both.   On view in our reading […]

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Tibetan Studies collaboration with U. Toronto

Tibetan Studies Librarian, Dr. Lauran Hartley, will lead the work of coordinating Tibetan-language acquisitions at Columbia and the University of Toronto in a new pilot project. She will also provide research-support services to University of Toronto faculty and students via email, phone and video conferencing and will visit the University of Toronto annually.  This international […]

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Holiday and Intersession Schedule

The Library will be closed from Saturday December 22 through Tuesday December 25 (Christmas Day) The Library will be open 9:00 AM-7:00 PM from Wednesday December 26 through Friday December 28 The Library will be closed from Saturday December 29 through Tuesday January 1, 2013 (New Year’s Day) During Intersession, January 2-20, the Library will […]

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Makino Online Presentations Archive

No less than twelve digital remarks and presentations of last year’s symposium “The Makino Collection at Columbia: the Present and Future of an Archive” have just been made available for online viewing on Columbia’s YouTube channel.  They are linked from the symposium’s webpage, and will also be added to an upcoming special section on our […]

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Tann Donation of Chinese Books Received

The C. V. Starr East Asian Library has recently received a collection of Chinese books from Ms. Tania Tann Palmer via Ms. Linda P. Chen.  This gift includes 54 titles in over 200 volumes.  The books mainly cover Chinese classics, art, and literature, and come for the most part in traditional thread binding.   The books […]

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