The following is a list of recent acquisitions of interest to CUL librarians, information professionals, and staff. All of the titles below are shelved in Butler stacks, unless otherwise noted.
Applications of social research methods to questions in information and library science / Barbara M. Wildemuth. Z669.7 .W55 2009
Censorship: a beginner’s guide / Julian Petley. Z657 .P48 2009g
Changing academic library: operations, culture, environments / John M. Budd. Z675.U5 B866 2005g
The desk and beyond: next generation reference services / edited by Sarah K. Steiner and M. Leslie Madden. Z675.U5 D425 2008
Evaluation of digital libraries: an insight into useful applications and methods / edited by Giannis Tsakonas and Christos Papatheodorou. ZA4080 .E83 2009g
Functional requirements for authority data: a conceptual model / IFLA Working Group on Functional Requirements and Numbering of Authority Records (FRANAR); edited by Glenn E. Patton. Z693.3.A88 I35 2009g
Global library and information science: a textbook for students and educators : with contributions from Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, and North America / edited by Ismail Abdullahi. Z721 .G56 2009g
Library mashups: exploring new ways to deliver library data / edited by Nicole C. Engard. Z674.75.W67 L52 2009
Library statistics for the twenty-first century world: proceedings of the conference held in Montreal on 18-19 August 2008 reporting on the global library statistics project / edited by Michael Heaney. Z669.8 .L53 2009g
More innovative redesign and reorganization of library technical services / edited by Bradford Lee Eden. Z688.5 .M67 2009
New new media / Paul Levinson. ZA4150 .L48 2009
Public access policies / Cathy Sarli, Ellen Dubinsky, Bob Engeszer, Ruth Lewis. Z711.4 .P83 2009g
Self-examination: the present and future of librarianship / John M. Budd. Z665 .B92 2008
Strategies for regenerating the library and information professions: Eighth World Conference on Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning for the Library and Information Professions, 18-20 August 2009, Bologna, Italy / edited by Jana Varlejs and Graham Walton. Z668 .W665 2009g
Send suggestions for purchase to:
Alex Thurman