New Database: African American Periodicals, 1825-1995

African American Periodicals, 1825-1995 is full text journal collection based upon James P. Danky's AfricanAmerican Newspapers and Periodicals: A National Bibliography (Harvard, 1998). Drawn from holdings of the Wisconsin Historical Society, African American Periodicals ranges over more than 150 years of American life, from slavery during the Antebellum Period to the struggles and triumphs of the modern era.

The database features more than 170 titles, including African Repository (1825-92), Southern Workman (1881-1900), Colored Harvest (1888-1922), Colored American Magazine (1900-1909, Horizon (1907-10), Crisis (1910-20), Black Worker (1929-1968), Liberator (1929-1932), Negro Actors Guild Newsletter (1940-78), Freedom (1951-55), Beauty Trade (1954-1978), Black Panther (1967-1975), Soul (1966-76), Echo (1968-84), Neighbors (1970-79), National Leader (1982-85).


Use the browse feature to page through issues by name and date, or use the search feature to search across the entire contents.  If you are doing full text searches,  use proximity operators to search for terms that are near each other: montgomery NEAR15 bus finds articles where the word Montgomery and bus appear within 15 words of one another (in either direction).  To find words in direct order use ADJ: brotherhood ADJ5 porter* finds articles where the word brotherhood is followed by the words porter or porters.  Consult the database help for more search tips.

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