Python Open Labs – Session 6

Hi In the 6th session of Python Open Labs, today we covered the concepts on comparison operators, logical operations and complex logical expressions. If you attended today’s session, I encourage you all to try out the practice problems from the slides on the google drive link given below. Python Open Labs Slides: Tip of the […]

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Map Club — Dynamic Mapping with OpenLayers

The latest session of Map Club focused on OpenLayers, a high-performance library for rendering geographic information in the browser. OpenLayers enables users to visualize a diverse range of geospatial data formats, while offering intuitive links to external web-based mapping resources such as CARTO, OpenStreetMap, Stamen, and D3.js. Participants explored OpenLayers functionality for importing KML and GeoJSON data, experimented with linking to […]

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Survey Documentation and Analysis (SDA)

Survey Documentation and Analysis (SDA) is a web based interface that allows access and analysis of data. The data can be accessed from IPUMS or from  the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). SDA allows you to: Browse the codebook describing a dataset Calculate frequencies or crosstabulation (with charts) Do comparison of means […]

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R Open Labs – Data Manipulation

Today we introduced merge(), factor() and some basic techniques for handling missing values during the first 30 minutes of the open lab. For the rest of the open lab, there were free discussions about personal projects the participants are working on. We also introduced package swirl. Swirl package teaches you R programming interactively. Thank you to everyone who […]

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Map Club — Interactive Maps with Mapzen

Last week, Map Club revisited Tangram, the powerful open-source renderer for Mapzen. (We first explored Mapzen over the summer.) Mapzen is an open, sustainable, and accessible mapping platform that offers intricate control over the design of web-based maps. Centered on a map of Manhattan, attendees referenced the comprehensive documentation page to alter the drawing style of Tangram’s vector tile service. […]

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