Columbia University Libraries is pleased to announce the launch of the Independent Documentary Filmmakers from China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Web Archive, curated by Luo Zhou, Chinese Studies Librarian at Duke University, and Joshua Seufert, Chinese Studies Librarian at Princeton University. Chinese independent filmmakers from mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong have long been crucial to bringing attention to social and political developments in their areas, but due to the sensitive nature of their work, their web presences are at risk of disappearing at any time. Created to capture and preserve these ephemeral primary source materials, the archive contains websites, blogs, and video feeds belonging to notable filmmakers from mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, all made available for future research and access.
Web archives preserve vulnerable information that may disappear from the live web and capture the ways in which selected websites have evolved over time. The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation’s Web Resources Collection Program is a collaborative collection development effort to build curated, thematic collections of freely available, but at-risk, web content in order to support research at participating libraries. Learn more about the program and explore additional collections here.
The following is a Chinese-language translation of the announcement above.
网页归档保存可保留从实时网络中或易消失的信息,并保存选定的网站随时间而演变的方式。 Ivy Plus(常春藤加)图书馆联盟的网络资源馆藏建设项目是一项馆际合作工程,以建立让人免费使用但风险较高的网络内容的得到维护的主题馆藏,从而支持利用各参与图书馆的研究。 请在这里了解该计划更多信息并探索其他馆藏。
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