Codicology: Introduction

Codicology: The study or science of manuscripts and their interrelationships.

For the next four Thursdays we are pleased to offer a series of blog posts featuring excerpts of Union Theological Seminary student work.

From Dr. Jane Huber and Russ Gasdia, Teaching Fellow: 

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In the Spring of 2015 Union Theological Seminary students from CH108: The History of Christianity Part 2: Introduction to Western European Church History (c.1000-c.2000) viewed manuscripts and early printed books from the rare books collections at Burke Library. Over the course of the semester they chose manuscripts or early printed books to study and wrote codicological descriptions. Excerpts from their work are recorded below – along with the opportunity to read their research in full.

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With thanks to Elizabeth Call and Matthew Baker of the Burke Library for collaborating with us and for assisting the students in their research.  The Burke Library provides an extraordinary opportunity for students to engage with material history in the present moment.


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